Having a lustrous lids makes your look more edgy. But sometimes topping them off with petroleum jelly or lip gloss is not always the right way to go unless it's for a photoshoot. But if you're planning to wear it for the whole day it will eventually crease. So there is an eyeshadow that you can use to achieve the illusion of a wet look.
1. Spray a MAC Fix Plus on an eyeshadow brush and press it on to the MAC Pressed Pigment, I used the Pink Pepper. Distribute it evenly to your entire lid. Next, take another eyeshadow brush and add the same shimmering eyeshadow over top, apply it dry this time and just dab it all over the lid.
2. Define your eyebrows using a pencil or shadow. Boost your lashes with a few coats of Black mascara.
3. Finish the makeup by warming your cheeks with a matte bronzer or a matte soft peachy pink blush. Apply a nude pink lipstick or a velvety dark red lipstick.